The MODO (Museo del Objeto del Objeto) is a museum in Mexico City's hotspot Colonia Roma. It's dedicated to design, communication and the appreciation of objects. This project consisted in the creation of a collection catalogue, a corporate presentation for prospective sponsors, and a promotional campaign to attract people from the neighborhood into the museum.
Role: Research, ideation, concept creation for promotional campaign, illustration for snapchat filter, video editing, kid's brochure and graphics creation for collection catalogue.
Promotional posters
Collection catalogue
Kid's brochure
A brochure for kids was created to get them engaged with the museum and awaken their interest in what it has to offer. The activity was based on a concept of lost and found.
This video proposal was created especially for the beginning of each corporate presentation.
Song: VCR- The xx
Sample slides from presentation deck
Snapchat GeoFilter